Undergraduate Minor

Minor requirements


Requirements for minor:


The Gender Studies minor provides a broad range of theories, concepts, and cases that will allow students to begin to understand the complex issues related to gender in society, how these differ across cultures, and provide students a background in Gender Studies as a discipline. Students have the option to choose from a large list of courses to complete their Minor, providing each student the opportunity to focus on particular elements of Gender Studies. Built into the Minor is the ability to do an Independent Study with a professor on a more specific gender topic. This Minor will be particularly useful and interesting to students who wish to work in the field of international development, continue their studies in an MA or PhD, or students who want to work on gender issues.

In order to apply for Gender Studies minor, a student must present GPA of 2.7 in his major. A student may declare Gender Studies Minor after the first year of study. A minimum of 42 credits are required to complete the minor. All courses in the minor should have a letter grade of B or above. No written or oral exams are required to pass.

Two mandatory courses: 

  • Introduction to Gender Studies
  • Sociology of Gender 

One Core course:

  • Advanced Gender Theories [Needs to be developed]
  • History of Sexuality [Needs to be developed]
  • Power & Resistance

Four 200-400 level courses from following: 

  • Human Sexuality
  • Interpersonal Relations
  • Gender, Kinship and Family
  • Gender & Development (MA course)
  • Women’s Voices in History
  • Women & Medieval Arts
  • What does it mean to be a Kelin?
  • Sexualities & Masculinities
  • Qualitative Methods (course research must be related to Gender topic)
  • Gender & Media (MA course)
  • Independent Study
  • Women in International Relations

Total: 42 credits



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